The company's strategy development is the necessary condition of a successful development of such company on a long-term basis. The purposes duly set, the competitive level accounting and the analysis of prospective development of the branch will be helpful to the company in its competitive activity. The development strategy determines guiding lines and directions of the company's development.
The development strategy may include companies, purposes, a marketing concept, investment policy, staff strategy and others. As a rule, the development strategy sets forth and proves strategic objectives of the company's development and the ways of achievement thereof.
The company's strategic plan development process includes the following stages:
- SWOT-analysis (analysis of pluses and minuses of the company, opportunities and risks);
- Development and analysis of alternatives of the company's strategic development;
- Formation of strategic purposes ;
- Preparation of a program for the realization of the development strategy chosen;
Before to invest money in the project, it is necessary to carry out its full examination to check up its expediency and feasibility, and also to assess its effectiveness according to the following aspects, which is the structure of the business plan:
- Designing of the business development strategy;
- The analysis of several strategies to achieve the aims of development of an enterprise and the choice of an optimal solution enable to evaluate the project execution these influence upon the effectiveness of the enterprise's operation, and also a possibility to calculate the term of the project payback;
- Identification of the need in investments and credit funds and ways of their attraction;
- Development of a perfect business-plan, preparation of a proposal for an investment program and/or a strategic investor, determination of the common economic effect from the project implementation and efficacy of investments for each of such participants;
- Determination of an optimal method of financing;
- Development of a scheme of the enterprise's development project financing subject to the future needs in funds. Forecast of cash movement during the entire period of planning and assessment of the cost of business;
- Evaluation of possible variants of production, purchases and sales;
- Analysis of a planned structure of expenses and profitability of particular subdivisions and kinds of products;
- Control of project execution ;
- Control of project execution by comparing of their scheduled and actual indices, and consideration of changes made to the project in the course of its implementation.
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Contact us
ave. Al Farabi, 7 office 29, 7th floor, Business Center Nurly Tau 4A, 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
+7 (727) 311-08-91
+7 (727) 311-08-96
+7 (727) 311-08-97
+7 (777) 022-22-38
+7 (777) 588-52-88
