Rendering accounting services, we are responsible for our work and warrant quality and confidentiality of any commercial information, continuous accounting, and optimization of taxation, reliability and protection of the results of our work to both external (state bodies, investors, creditors etc.) and internal users.
Professional accounting services will allow you to promptly receive information on the financial state of your organization to take managerial decisions, and if required - a qualified assistance in the matters of business accounting and tax accounting. In rendering accounting services, our personnel will seek to create all conditions for the development of your business.
1. Accounting Management
A guarantee of a successful and stable operation of the accounting department is a competent accounting organization. An accounting system insufficiently considered may result in the errors of accountants and irrational waste of time for accounting data processing. The purpose of accounting management is to develop and implement an optimal scheme of accounting, which enables to execute basic documents with the lowest expenses and to prepare reporting.
The accounting management includes the drawing up of the following documents:
- Accounting policy of an organization for the purposes of accounting and taxation;
- List of officials entitled to sign basic accounting documents/records specifying the authorized signatures;
- Draft order of the director of an enterprise, which authorizes a person not specified in the approved list of officials to sign basic accounting documents/records;
- Form of accounting certificate of correctional entries;
- Regulations for method of accounting and expending of funds for representative purposes;
- Draft order of cash balance limit approval;
- Album of model business agreement;
- Regulations for accounting department;
- Personnel duty regulations;
- Material responsibility agreements;
- Regulations for current document archiving;
- Other documents ;
2. Accounting
Accounting is a well-ordered system of collection, registration and summarizing of information, in terms of money, of property, liabilities of an entity and their movement by a complete continuous and documentary accounting of all business transactions. In accounting , an entity should ensure as follows :
- Invariability of statement of particular business transactions and assessment of assets and liabilities within the reporting period as approved by the accounting policy;
- Full statement of all business transactions in the accounting for the reporting period;
- Correct statement of receipts and expenditures to the reporting periods;
A set of services for accounting support and service of organizations includes the following kinds of services:
- Check up of availability, correct drawing up and compliance of basic accounting and tax documents with the applicable laws;
- Drawing up of missing basic accounting and tax documents, invoicing and processing of invoices received;
- Charge of taxes and other compulsory payments in accordance with the R.K. Tax Legislation and preparation of payment orders for payment;
- Analytical & synthetic accounting of all or particular accounting sectors;
- Recording and processing of banking and cash transactions, processing of bank statements and staff documents;
- Drawing up of model client relations agreements;
- Accounting and processing of payments with accountable persons;
- Accounting and processing of payments with suppliers and buyers;
- Accounting of fixed assets;
- Salary accounting;
- Drawing up of internal financial statements;
- Drawing up of all forms of accounting (financial) and tax statements;
- Drawing up of accounting and tax accounting registers;
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Contact us
ave. Al Farabi, 7 office 401, 7th floor, Business Center Nurly Tau 4A, 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
+7 (727) 311-08-91
+7 (727) 311-08-96
+7 (727) 311-08-97
+7 (777) 022-22-38
+7 (777) 588-52-88
